Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The College Life

BYU is great. But with a great college comes great responsibility... and great fear if being woken up at 12:30 AM by someone banging a mannequin head on your window when you had just fallen asleep.  Needless to say, that really woke me up, and now I can't sleep.  Which is why I am writing a blog post at 2:30 in the morning after a six month blog-cation.

Well, there are quite a few posts in need of writing about things that have happened in these past months.  But those are for a different time.

P.S.  I did find my iPod. :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I'm Horrible.

Obviously I haven't blogged for a really long time. And I apologize. But, you see, the thing is... I have a really boring life. And along with being boring, it's busy. So I have very little time to Blog and whatnot. And right now I'm freaking out because I have a 50% in government... Which I need to pass to graduate. And I also have my senior recital coming up, which I need to do well on to graduate. But instead of preparing that, I'm stuck in Oregon on Spring Break. Yeah, it's fun... But I could definitely be doing more productive things. So it makes me mad. And Jive solo auditions for my last show (which I would really like a solo in) are right after Spring Break, so I should be preparing for that as well. And pretty much right now I'm just freaking out in my head. Plus, I can't find my 160 gig iPod that has all of my music on it. And if I can't find it today, it is most likely lost forever. Which sucks really bad.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Photo Editing Fun

So... I really like Snapseed.
That is all.

Also... this makes my hair look all ombre-ish...
I've always told myself I would never dye my hair...
But I kinda like this!
Ummm... no.
I can't dye my hair!
Or can I...?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Day of Valentine

When you bring your own rose to school and carry it around to make you feel special because you know you're not going to get an actual valentine from anyone.

But then you actually end up getting an anonymous valentine from someone for the first time ever!
And so you feel quite lame for bringing yourself a rose. :P

(I apologize for the extremely attractive picture of me.)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


It's so weird to be an adult. Because I feel exactly the same. Except for the fact that when I'm out in public, I feel like people are judging more. But I'm pretty sure they're not... I'm just stupid and paranoid. :P

And it's kinda hard to enjoy your birthday when two of your really good friends aren't at school. :(

But it's easier to enjoy your birthday when one of your friends brings you brownies, you give an epic English presentation, and your parents give you an iPod 5. :)

I'm so blessed with amazing friends and family. :D

Birthday = Success

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Seven Wonders of the World

Did I tear up during this video?  Yes.
But maybe it's just because I've been kind of down lately.

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