Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sweaterin' It Up!

In seminary...

In the choir room...

In the hallway...

In Jive!

I ♥ Ugly Sweater Days.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Mustache Monday!

When it's Mustache Monday at school, and you realize you look like Charlie Chaplin.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Best Date

You know you're on a good date when...

  • Your date is the guy you have a huge crush on.
  • Your date eats half of the macaroni casserole you made (which you doubled the recipe for).
  • You show up for a play an hour before it starts because you had misinformation of when it started, and your date excitedly suggests that to kill time you should all go to his house so he can fold his laundry.
  • You actually do end up going to fold his laundry and have a competition to see who can match the most pairs of socks.
  • You see an incredibly hilarious play that many of your friends are in.
  • While driving in the car, you and your date sing at the top of your lungs to Kelly Clarkson... and he sings it in the upper octave that Kelly Clarkson is singing in, and it actually sounds good!
  • When you go back to your house for brownies, your date compliments your mom on her curtains and other various decorating techniques.
  • You totally kick everyone's trash at Parcheesi, but they refuse to accept the fact and cheat to make themselves feel better.
In all honesty, that was the best date I have ever been on.  Thank you so much Maddie for owing Traegar a date!  And thank you Mike for being Traegar's good friend and therefore the obvious option for me to ask to double with Maddie and Traegar. :D


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jivvy Jive!

I miss Jive already.
I so can't wait until April.
I just wish every day could be Jive Week.

And yes.  I am aware of my day/week incongruence.

So pretty much stage makeup is super fun.
And red lipstick.
And fake eyelashes.
And yes, I may have plucked my eyebrows.

I pretty much looked like a porcelain doll.
But I'm all right with that. :)

Plus... Apparently when I was out singing my solo number Mike said that I looked "so pretty."
Yeah, I was all faked-up... but he said I looked so pretty!
It was a happy moment. :)

I ♥ Jive

Monday, January 14, 2013

Jive Week

It has begun.
And of course... along with Jive Week it has to be finals week.  Oh swell.
Goodbye sleep.

And just for funsies...
Here's a picture of me about to kiss Niall Horan.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Worst Thing About This Year...

2 o'clock church.
On Fast Sundays.

Oh poop.
This is awful.

What's the Story, Wishbone?

That moment when you have all of Christmas break, plus some, to read Frankenstein, but don't start until you realize you will not have enough time to finish reading it.

Thankfully Wishbone has always got your back. :)

P.S.  It's super weird to come back and watch a show that you haven't seen in forever.  All the actors look so young. :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Make People Cry by Singing? Check.

Today we had Jive solo auditions.  Along with a group number with Natalie and Maddie, I sang a solo.  It was Ronan by Taylor Swift.  I knew I was going to tear up while singing it, but I was thankfully able to keep myself composed enough to be able to sing well, but my emotions did show.  When I finished singing and was brought back to reality, I noticed that I had made almost every single person in the room cry.  Some more than others.  I have never done that before.  And there were these two girls who asked me what the song was called because they wanted to buy it, but then they looked it up on YouTube and decided they preferred me to Taylor Swift.  And so they asked if they could record me singing it.  I was so flattered, and awestruck.  This stuff never happens to me, and yet it is.  I really hope I get that solo in Winter Showcase.  I love making people cry.  Okay, that sounded weird... but you get what I mean.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Danny Marona

Danny Marona was so great!  I'm so glad I participated. :)  Even if I had to switch my song and prepare it in a week.

I wasn't pleased with my performance at all... but other people seemed to enjoy it.  So I guess that's a plus.  But I know I could've done much better.  And I should have picked a different piece.  Yeah, classical cello pieces are gorgeous, but I should have chosen something more well-known.  Maybe even the Bach Prelude...?  Everyone knows that one.

But anywho... enough complaining.

Congratulations to my great friend Emilee Gomske for getting 3rd!  And my other friend Mike Esparza for getting 1st!!!!  And to Lauren (who isn't not my friend, but who I don't really know that well) for getting 2nd.  :)

Yeah, I'm somewhat disappointed that I didn't place, but I didn't really expect to anyway.  And I am quite pleased with the finalists. :)

Les Miserables. x2

First time.  On Christmas.  It was wonderful.  I cried.  I loved it.  I knew what it was about, but I had never seen it performed.  Best movie.  Possibly ever.

Second time.  Today.  With school.  Aside from the annoying unappreciative high school students who a shared the theater with, it was fantastic yet again.  Except this time I bawled.  I love Les Mis so much.

If you haven't seen it... then do.
Just do.

Plus, Enjolras is amazing.
Probably the best singer in the movie.
Plus, insanely attractive.

I call dibs.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ughh. School.

I can't believe we start back into school tomorrow.  LAME.
And guess who didn't do any homework over break? : / Swell.

No more sleep for me.


January 1, 2012
January 1, 2013
2012 was a great year.
2013 is a year of great promise.

2012 - The Highlights.
  • Performed in my first Jive show.
  • Attended All-State for the second and last time.
  • Had the best EFY group ever.
  • Fell in love with my girls as a YCL at Girls' Camp.
  • Went to Disneyland.
  • Transferred to Twin Falls High School
  • Met many new, amazing people.
  • Improved myself physically, mentally, and spiritually.
2013 - What to expect.
  • Become an official adult.
  • Perform in my senior recital/senior project.
  • Have my last Jive show.
  • Graduate.
  • Welcome Matt home.
  • Go to Europe with the Utah Ambassadors of Music.
  • Attend BYU.
That is what happened and what is going to happen.
But here are my resolutions, or what I hope to happen.

2013 - Resolutions.
  • Read my scriptures and pray every day, in order to help grow my testimony and spiritually prepare me for a mission.
  • Attend the temple as often as possible, every Wednesday morning when it's open, and while I'm there, pray and ponder spiritual things.
  • Receive my patriarchal blessing to help guide me in my post-graduation decisions.
  • Run or swim at least once a week, hopefully more, and eat healthier to help me lose weight and become more fit physically for a mission.
  • Play my instruments more often to improve as much as I can in case I decide to become a music major.
  • Procrastinate a lot less.  I won't be able to completely rid myself of procrastination, but I can try to rid myself of most of it.
  • Along with blogging as often as I do, write in my journal at least once a week with more personal and spiritual things to remember.
  • Be kinder and less sarcastic.
  • Always remember who I am and that I am loved.  I am a daughter of God.  Don't get down on myself and be negative and depressed.
I think these resolutions are reasonable and reachable.
And you may have noticed that for the past couple years I have had the resolution of having my first kiss, but this year, that isn't one... you know what that means? ;)  Haha, just kidding.  I'm still kiss-less.  I'm just thinking that since I have little to no control over when my first kiss is, it's a stupid resolution.  It will come when it comes.  And if it comes this year, then all the better. :)

Semi-Resolutions (things that I hope to happen this year, but may not):
-First kiss
-CALL JOSHUA FINCH.  Just do it.  Like today or tomorrow.
-Apply/audition to be a Nauvoo performing missionary.
-Audition for the X Factor online.
-Go on lots of dates down at BYU.
-Become only overweight (no longer obese) by Wii Fit standards.

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