Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Just Not Feeling It...

So, all day I've been trying to get in the Halloween mood!

-I dressed in Halloween clothes.
-While driving around I listened to Wicked/Phantom music blasting creepily.
-I have a fake tattoo on my ankle.
-I went to a Halloween dance.  (Which ended up being quite lame, even though I tried to make it fun.)
-I'm listening to the "Spooky Symphonies" playlist on Pandora. (Which is pretty great, by the way... even for not Halloween)

But I've just not felt very Halloween-ish.


I want (pretty) snow, Christmas trees, giving, Christmas lights, gingerbread and other Christmas goodies, presents, joy, Christmas music.

I just want Christmas already.

(P.S.  The only reason I tagged Harry Potter in this is because The Sorcerer's Stone Film Score is the song that I'm listening to this very moment on Pandora.  Yeah, I'm aware it's kind of irrelevant to the entire post, but whatever.  I do what I want.  Don't judge me.)

That Awkward Moment When...

Your choir teacher calls you a "tropical lizard."

Or at least you think he does.
But he actually says "optical illusion."
Though that may not be a whole lot better.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Code Blue

On Friday a barbershop quartet came to our school.
And let me just say... they were flawless.
From the moment they began singing I was in love with every single one of them.
Which is kinda creepy... because their ages ranged from 23-50.
But they were just that great.

And of course I had a favorite.
The tenor.
His name is Drew.
He is perfect.
Every single time he sang, his falsetto was so beautiful it made my heart melt.
He honestly made me cry.
You wanna know how many times a boy had made me cry through his singing?
...Actually quite a few.
But do you wanna know how many times I have actually met the boy who made me cry through his singing?
Not nearly enough.
But this was one of those times.
In fact, I told Drew, "You have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard."
And he said, "Thank you!  I love you." And made a hand-heart.
And I said, "No.  I love you."

It was marvelous.

Now THAT is Talent

I've heard the song before (duh), but I never realized how difficult it is OR how amazing her voice is until I heard it acoustic.  WOW.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Okay... so... here's the sitch.
I wish I had a boyfriend.
Or at least a boyfriend-type figure.
You know?
Someone who I can call whenever I need to talk, someone who will hold my hand, someone to walk through haunted houses and watch scary movies with, someone to kiss my forehead when I'm having a bad day.

(Okay, maybe that last one is kinda cheesy and extreme for someone who is only a "boyfriend-type figure"... but whatever.  I want it anyway.)

I want someone to buy my flowers and chocolates.
And always sit by me at lunch without fail.

Someone who won't make me feel awkward when I go on a date with them doubling with my non-boyfriendless friends.

Can't I have this?


I actually have a boy in mind. :)  He's nice to look at. And nice to listen to.  And nice to talk to.  I wouldn't mind him being my boyfriend. :)  But I highly doubt he is interested in me that way.  But hey, he acknowledges my presence on a regular basis.  And he is usually the one who begins conversations.  And he compliments me a lot. And seems to actually care about what I say when I talk to him.  It's pretty great.

But in all reality...  he's way out of my league.


So... there's this boy... ;)

Hahaha! The wink was to throw you off.  Did it?  Did you think I was going to talk about mushy-gushy stuff?  Or did the raging title give it away?  Well, whatever.  I do not like this kid.  I mean, he's okay as a person... I guess... maybe.  But he's kinda mean to me.  And he thinks he's the smartest person in the world.  But yeah.

I can usually stand him.  In fact, I might even consider him my friend (disregarding my annoyance at him).  But this week he was awful.  I swear it was like, rage on Zack week.  Oops, I said his name.  Now you know who it is.  But whatever.  He's in my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th period classes.  It's like he follows me everywhere.  And every time he would open his mouth this week I just wanted to punch him.  Especially since he kept saying "I'll beat you up."  I wanted to punch him just to prove to him that he couldn't beat me up.  I would win.  But I restrained myself.

But inside I was raging at him all week long.
So I made a rage page.
It's my new way to release anger.
It works quite well!
It just takes time.
Which is good.
Because it occupies my anger for a long period of time.

In case you can't tell... all the little words say "RAGE" or "rage."
I must have written rage over 1000 times.
But hey! It worked. :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012


*2 weeks ago*
Mr. Larson:  Write a 5 page paper on the Electoral College.  It's due October 19th at the beginning of class. Any later than that, and it will be 30% off each day.
Me:  That's fine!  I've got two weeks!

Me:  Well, that paper is due tomorrow... maybe I should start researching for it.  Eh, I'll do it tomorrow during lunch.  After all, it's not due until 6th period.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Kinda Wish AP Physics was a Little Easier

So... there was this test I took yesterday.
And I got a 72%. : /
Hey, at least it's passing!
Half of the class got D's and F's.
So I was in the upper half...
But I'm going to retake it anyway.
Ughh... stupid Fnet equations.

I Guess I Was Tired

So... yesterday I slept.
A lot.
I was about to go to swim team, but I couldn't find my swim suit.
So I stayed home.
And as I was about to start my homework I just collapsed on my bed.
At 6:15.
And didn't wake up until 10:30.
Which is when I decided to put on my pajamas and go to bed.
So yeah.
I pretty much slept for 11 hours straight.
Which was great!
...Except I'm still tired today.
How does that work?
Maybe I'll try to sleep for 10 hours tonight.
Hahaha! Who am I kidding?
I can't.
But oh well!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Slightly Awkward and Yet Super Fun Sadie's

I ended up going with Tyler Lofgran.  Which was great!  he's super cool. :)  Except... he kinda has a girlfriend.  And I'm perfectly all right with that, cuz I don't like him like that or anything.  It just sorta made Sadie's sorta awk.  Because in my group there was Maddie with Bradyn (a couple) and Natalie with Michael (also a couple), and then it was me and Tyler (nothing more than a date).  And we went to the Haunted mansions of Albion.  You know, scary stuff.  A "cuddle with your date and hold hands" sorta thing. Which Maddie and Bradyn and Natalie and Michael definitely did.  Whereas Tyler and I just... didn't.  Which is okay with me!  I just kinda wish I had some sort of boyfriend type figure who I could  have taken so I could have been all cutesy-hold-handsy with.  But no. *Sigh* Oh well.  Maybe next Halloween.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blogs are the Best Way to Discover Music

     -Ed Sheeran
     -Cher Lloyd
     -Olly Murs
     -Imagine Dragons

(And yes.  I knew about all
of them before they were
popular.  Thank goodness
for Blogger and Tumblr.)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Shift in the Universe

Wow...  brand new revelation from the prophet.
And it has changed my life so much.
Well, nothing has changed quite yet,
But in a few short months I will begin to see this change's effect on my life.
But I am ready.

Click here for details.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oh Fabio.

I bought this cardboard cut-out.
And I have been having way too much fun with it.

Maddie's ransom note to ask her boyfriend to Sadies.
And Fabio creepin' in the doorway.
Getting gas with Fabio.
Just so you know... if you take Fabio to Subway,
the awesome cashier guy will give you free cookies.
Disappointingly, we weren't able to find any romance novel covers with Fabio on them.
But we took a picture of him in the romance section anyway... just cuz.
Reading him Dr. Seuss. :)
So... long story.  We put Fabio behind this kid, and were being quiet, so the kid had no idea we were there, so Maddie walked around to take a completely inconspicuous picture, but the flash was on.  So the kid looks up, completely freaked out.  He stands up and starts to walk swiftly away, but runs into Fabio, because he didn't even know Fabio was there.  So pretty much, we traumatized this kid for life.  The end.
We went to Arctic Circle and saw people we know!
Like Amanda. :)
And Maddie's Young Women's leaders.
And I fed Fabio a milkshake.
We had a lot of fun at WalMart.
Though I'm not quite sure why we took a picture of him with a pumpkin.
Apparently, aside from Romance novels, "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" is Fabio's thing.
At WalMart we found Doug.
Who is apparently a friend of Hailey and Maddie's.
Silly Fabio, you can't sleep on the couches at WalMart.
Where'd Fabio go?  We can't see him!  He must be wearing camouflage or something.
Random picture.
Fresh peanuts.
Fabio is ready for Christmas.
We stopped by Shari's and this waitress lady was in LOVE with Fabio.
Like seriously.
She is some crazy Fabio-obsessed lady.
And she kind of took Fabio and ran off  with him.
But don't worry, we got him back.
And we found Emilee at Shari's!  Yay!
So then we went to Maddie's boyfriend's house and dropped off the ransom note.
And Fabio.
We left Fabio in Bradyn's bed.
It was pretty great.
We took Bradyn's guitar for ransom.
Tomorrow we will meet Bradyn under the bridge to trade the guitar for Fabio.

But all in all... today was probably the most awesome, most awkward day of my life.
It was great.
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