It may have been the fact that my presents weren't as great as expected.
It may have been the fact that it didn't feel like Christmas at all.
It may have been the fact that we didn't start unwrapping presents until noon.
...or it may have been the fact that Matt and Rachel weren't here.
Yup, I think that's it. Definitely it.
It's mostly Matt. I miss my brother so much. Yeah, he called. But it's not even close to the same. At least with Rachel we were able to Skype. I know that they are doing what is right, and there is no place else I'd rather they be, but I still miss them. So much.

I did get presents. (Duh. It's Christmas.) I got some things I love, others not as much. I got this beautiful plaque that has roses in the Young Women value colors and says "Elizabeth, Standing as a Witness." Except it doesn't say that. It says "Elisabeth, Standing as a Witness." So yeah. Horrible. Bleh. I got a jewelry rack that I neither asked for nor need. And my mom could tell I wasn't pleased, and offered to return it, but I always feel bad, so I said I'll use it. But in order to use it I'll be getting rid of my jewelry box and my earring holder. I got an awesome video camera that I asked for, and a gorgeous painting that I asked for. I also got Just Dance 3 (YES!!!), and a zebra print/turquoise alligator skin purse with a matching wallet (LOVE IT). I got a scarf and some tights and some other stuff. I'm so blessed, I have no
reason to complain about anything.

But there was just that one thing about this Christmas that didn't make it nearly as special or memorable. Without all of your family, Christmas just isn't the same.

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