Pretty presents I have wrapped. :)

Yay for Christmas Eve! :D Although it still doesn't feel like Christmas. :/ No snow. In fact, it has been bright and sunny for the past week! Poo.

My family sure has been in a Christmasy mood!
That was OOZING with sarcasm, by the way. Just look at this present's tag! Ahaha, Danny is so funny. And what the heck is a "coolhead" anyway? It makes me laugh. :)
Well, I finished all my shopping yesterday... the same day I started. Haha. :) And I've been a mad wrapping machine. The first present I wrapped was for Becca. And wrapping it was a process, but I sure am excited for when she will open it. :) I have ten pictures of each step I went through while wrapping the present. :D And here they are.

<-- The gift. It's a Perry the Platypus shirt. On the front is Perry, and on the back is the back of Perry. Clever, huh? I like it. :)


<-- Then I put the wrapped shirt into the bag the shirt originally came in in the mail.
And wrapped it!! -->

<-- Put it in a Cocoa Puffs box...
Then wrapped that! ->

<- Put it in a milk box (with no lid)
Wrapped it. It says "Punch this too!" --->
Put it in a cookie box. (Also without a lid.)

Final Product! It says "Fragile. 2 Becca.
From Elizabeth. Punch here to open."

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