I'm sorry for the lack of blog posts for the past few days. But I honestly do feel like I am apologizing to myself... because I know for a fact that very very few people read this blog... so yes. I've been busy/tired/sick, so blogging was one of the last things on my mind. I have things to mention though!

First, I love The Standards! But that isn't news... because I have been a fan of them my entire life.
I went to the first concert of theirs I've seen in years yesterday. You see, they are five brothers who grew up here in Twin Falls, Idaho, and started their group in 1994 (a year before I was born). Quinn (the youngest brother) was actually datin
g my babysitter for quite a while. In fact, he proposed to her, but she turned him down. (Crazy, right?!) After the concert yesterday I was talking to Quinn and I think it's so cool that he remembers my family from like 6 years ago. I was also talking to Nic. He's the beat-boxer/bass of the group, and, personally, my favorite. He is so funny! I recorded him saying "Oh Elizabeth, yeah" in the lowest voice he could, and it's my new text-tone. :) Fact: Jordon, Quinn, Nathan, Morgan, and Nicholas Williams are the coolest brothers in the world. (That's also the order they are standing in the picture. I'm between Quinn and Nathan.)

Second, I was sick on Friday. Yuck. I didn't go to school until my Calculus class, and the only reason I went for that was because I didn't want to fall behind. But when I showed up, it was only to find out the my professor had canceled the class. Joy. So I pretty much left my bed for nothing. But ended up going to the rest of the school day. And then I went home and slept. And slept. And slept. I was still a little sick the next day, and I had a swim meet. And I had to swim the 100 Butterfly. And there weren't any starting blocks. And I hadn't been to swim practice all week. But I only gained one second from last year's time! :D So I am pretty excited to see how much time I lose when I do go to practice, there are starting blocks, and I'm not sick. :)
Third, well, I can't really think of a third... so there wasn't as much to talk about as I thought there would be! Oh well! Ta ta for now! :D
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