As you can tell from above ^^ ... I have somewhat bipolar feelings about Homecoming. Fun, embarrassing, stupid, gay, exciting, tiring. That is what Homecoming is.
There are so many activities and celebrations all week long! Parades, tailgates, bonfires, etc. It is a time to hang out with people and just have fun! But there are other things that are far from fun, such as royalty. My school's system is stupid. How they vote for royalty people can be nominated who don't even want to be, and it can be embarrassing for them! (Not that it happened to me; I mean, I'd love to be nominated as Homecoming royalty.) My class (2013) is also stupid. People who are always nominated for homecoming are people that are full of themselves and preppy: the kind of people I don't want to vote for. So I just didn't vote. :P Dressing-up is... interesting. Some people get into it, some people don't. I kinda just do whatever. The themes that are picked for the days

ense to Canyon Ridge football, but my school's football team sucks. (But they have been getting better!) So, of course, we lost our Homecoming game. Miserably. It was 40-0 until the last five minutes where they were actually able to score two touchdowns. I think the final score was 40-16. Awful. All in all, I think Homecoming is just overrated. Students are given so much to do with each extra-curricular they are involved in. And the homework load isn't lightened at all. The week mostly just causes students to work to exhaustion. Not. Fun. Bleghh.
See my shirt? Well... since I go to two schools, and they both had Homecoming this week, and they both had Spirit Day on Thursday... I was indecisive as to how to dress. I wanted to have fun, but I didn't want to go to either school all decked out in another school's colors... so I did both! My friend Kylie and I made shirts Wednesday afternoon. It was so fun! And most people loved my shirt. There were a few Canyon Ridgers who thought I was a traitor or something, but hey, who cares about them, right?

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