I bought this cardboard cut-out.
And I have been having way too much fun with it.
Maddie's ransom note to ask her boyfriend to Sadies. And Fabio creepin' in the doorway. |
Getting gas with Fabio. |
Just so you know... if you take Fabio to Subway, the awesome cashier guy will give you free cookies. |
Disappointingly, we weren't able to find any romance novel covers with Fabio on them. But we took a picture of him in the romance section anyway... just cuz. |
Reading him Dr. Seuss. :) |
So... long story. We put Fabio behind this kid, and were being quiet, so the kid had no idea we were there, so Maddie walked around to take a completely inconspicuous picture, but the flash was on. So the kid looks up, completely freaked out. He stands up and starts to walk swiftly away, but runs into Fabio, because he didn't even know Fabio was there. So pretty much, we traumatized this kid for life. The end. |
We went to Arctic Circle and saw people we know! Like Amanda. :) |
And Maddie's Young Women's leaders. |
And I fed Fabio a milkshake. |
We had a lot of fun at WalMart. Though I'm not quite sure why we took a picture of him with a pumpkin. |
Apparently, aside from Romance novels, "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" is Fabio's thing. |
At WalMart we found Doug. Who is apparently a friend of Hailey and Maddie's. |
Silly Fabio, you can't sleep on the couches at WalMart. |
Where'd Fabio go? We can't see him! He must be wearing camouflage or something. |
Random picture. |
Fresh peanuts. |
Fabio is ready for Christmas. |
We stopped by Shari's and this waitress lady was in LOVE with Fabio. Like seriously. She is some crazy Fabio-obsessed lady. And she kind of took Fabio and ran off with him. But don't worry, we got him back. |
And we found Emilee at Shari's! Yay! |
So then we went to Maddie's boyfriend's house and dropped off the ransom note. And Fabio. We left Fabio in Bradyn's bed. It was pretty great. |
We took Bradyn's guitar for ransom. Tomorrow we will meet Bradyn under the bridge to trade the guitar for Fabio. |
But all in all... today was probably the most awesome, most awkward day of my life.
It was great.
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