Today for Michael Kezele's birthday,
Me, Natalie Sumsion, Maddie Quinton, and Hailey Stott took him up to Boise.
We went to the Boise temple open house.
The temple is beautiful!
(And so are my friends!)
Then we went to lunch at this one hick place, and it was delicious!
And we saw my great friend Sunny Leavitt. :)
After inhaling our food so we wouldn't be late, we hurried over to see Skyfall.
On opening day.
I loved it.
And we got free posters!
Well, they technically weren't free.
Cuz they came with the movie.
And the movie cost $15.50.
(Personally, I don't think IMAX is worth twice the cost of a regular movie, but whatever.)
And on the entire car ride back I was texting this one guy.
Not the one who I'm pretty much in love with.
But a guy who is still pretty great.
And then tonight there was a surprise birthday party for Hailey Whitehead!
Which was also great!
It was at Zulu Bagels, so we got delicious bagelly food.
And there was yummy cake.
And Just Dance 4.
It was just a really great day. :)