"Sadie Hawkins Dance! In my khaki pants! There's nothing better. Oh, oh, OOHHHH!" ...How true that is! (Well, the "nothing better" part. I didn't even wear khakis.) Yesterday was Sadie's. :) I asked my Kimbo friend Zack Mulberry. I've known him for like two years and have wanted to go on a date with him the entire time, and finally, it happened! Yes! :) He is so nice and funny! (Not to mention attractive.)
The date was so fun! We had been planning to go to the CSI ropes course, but the weather was windy and snowy, and the indoor course was closed due to basketball, so we went bowling instead. I honestly think I had more fun at the bowling alley than I possibly could have had at the ropes course though. :D The first game we bowled normally, and the second game we drew M&M's before our turn, and whatever color we got represented a different way we had to bowl. It was so hecka fun. :) The highlight of my day was when Zack drew brown and had to bowl backwards. And right before he went, his brother's best friend's family walked in and they were watching him and laughing. Then when he bowled the ball went straight into the gutter and then bounced into the gutter of the other lane. It was super funny. :D

For dinner we needed to order everything, including utensils and plates. The problem, however, was that the entire menu was in code, so you ordered three things randomly but had no idea what you would get. Zack's first course was a dessert plate, spoon, and napkin. It made me laugh that he didn't even get any food. :) My first course was a plate, red vinegar salad dressing, and milk. But I didn't have a cup, so I drank my milk from off my plate. (I left the dressing there, cuz I'd rather NOT just eat it plain, thank you very much.) After our three courses of confusion (although I watched to see what other people got and what they ordered so made a giant logic problem out of the meal and knew exactly what I was ordering by the second course... heh, yeah, I'm a nerd), we were allowed to actually order the food we actually wanted and use cups and silverware and such. And the food was DELISH.

Here is us painting the Party Bus! (AKA, my van.) I drove the group around in my family's van. I hung Christmas lights up inside of it (too bad I didn't get any pictures of those, cuz they totally rocked), and we painted all the windows. Zack is the Justin Bieber fan who wrote "Bieber Fever" on the back of my van. McKenna didn't like that, so she wrote "NOT!" underneath. I don't think McKenna even ever

realized that I later crossed out her contribution. I kinda like JB, you know? Plus, I felt like I should support my date in his choice of music by young male pop artists.

Our group: Emily Cotterell, Kendall Hall, McKenna Thompson, Dan Plant, Me, Zack Mulberry, Tori Arritt, Bryant Foster, Annie Romney, and Jared Berry

I really like this one too. --->
I'm bigger than Zack, so I didn't want to get on his back and crush him, but I did want a piggy back picture... like really badly. So I told him to get on my back! We had to move a few more steps up the canyon, though, because in the other pictures there was a cliff directly behind us, and the first time Zack tried to jump onto my back I collapsed, so he was afraid I was going to drop him off the cliff. (But I'm totally strong enough that I would never do that.) He obviously didn't trust me, however, (like, seriously! He was wrapping his arms around my neck and choking me he was freaking out so much!) so we traveled away from the cliff, so there isn't as much of the river in the background of this picture as there is in the others.
Here are the backs of our shirts. Zack looks great, but I look like crap! I wish someone had told me that my hair was all messed up! It'd look so much better if my hair just flowed down and didn't get caught on my shoulders. And my shirt looks off-centered, but I swear it isn't! Part of the many hours I put into making these shirts included me measuring them to make sure the they were centered. It must just look crooked because of the way I was standing or something. But my OCD isn't a big fan of this picture because of aforementioned reasons.
All in all, yesterday was an amazing day. :) Between the date, dinner, and dances (we played Just Dance 3, went to the school dance, and went to the stake dance), I had so much fun! And Zack said he had a lot of fun to, so that's good. The biggest thing I worry about when it comes to girl-ask-guy dances is impressing my date. I don't want him to think I'm lame! I'm pretty sure I impressed Zack enough, though. :)
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