January 1, 2012 |
January 1, 2013 |
2012 was a great year.
2013 is a year of great promise.
2012 - The Highlights.
- Performed in my first Jive show.
- Attended All-State for the second and last time.
- Had the best EFY group ever.
- Fell in love with my girls as a YCL at Girls' Camp.
- Went to Disneyland.
- Transferred to Twin Falls High School
- Met many new, amazing people.
- Improved myself physically, mentally, and spiritually.
2013 - What to expect.
- Become an official adult.
- Perform in my senior recital/senior project.
- Have my last Jive show.
- Graduate.
- Welcome Matt home.
- Go to Europe with the Utah Ambassadors of Music.
- Attend BYU.
That is what happened and what is going to happen.
But here are my resolutions, or what I hope to happen.
2013 - Resolutions.
- Read my scriptures and pray every day, in order to help grow my testimony and spiritually prepare me for a mission.
- Attend the temple as often as possible, every Wednesday morning when it's open, and while I'm there, pray and ponder spiritual things.
- Receive my patriarchal blessing to help guide me in my post-graduation decisions.
- Run or swim at least once a week, hopefully more, and eat healthier to help me lose weight and become more fit physically for a mission.
- Play my instruments more often to improve as much as I can in case I decide to become a music major.
- Procrastinate a lot less. I won't be able to completely rid myself of procrastination, but I can try to rid myself of most of it.
- Along with blogging as often as I do, write in my journal at least once a week with more personal and spiritual things to remember.
- Be kinder and less sarcastic.
- Always remember who I am and that I am loved. I am a daughter of God. Don't get down on myself and be negative and depressed.
I think these resolutions are reasonable and reachable.
And you may have noticed that for the past couple years I have had the resolution of having my first kiss, but this year, that isn't one... you know what that means? ;) Haha, just kidding. I'm still kiss-less. I'm just thinking that since I have little to no control over when my first kiss is, it's a stupid resolution. It will come when it comes. And if it comes this year, then all the better. :)
Semi-Resolutions (things that I hope to happen this year, but may not):
-First kiss
-CALL JOSHUA FINCH. Just do it. Like today or tomorrow.
-Apply/audition to be a Nauvoo performing missionary.
-Audition for the X Factor online.
-Go on lots of dates down at BYU.
-Become only overweight (no longer obese) by Wii Fit standards.