For AP English we were assigned to write a poem.
A poem about ourselves based on the style and form of this poem.
And this is my result.
As I sit here and type my paper,
I realize
that I probably should have done it sooner
Because it
is Sunday night, and this is due second period tomorrow.
But I tend
to procrastinate doing things.
This year
that will change;
I will procrastinate no more—
Starting next time.
Anyway, is it really procrastinating if I planned to wait until now to do it?
I am seventeen, born in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
I am the third oldest of nine children, and each child is
extraordinarily unique…
Except for me, it seems.
Most of the time I feel like nothing but a shadow,
A shadow of my two older siblings combined.
Everything I achieve, one of them has already done.
And no matter how hard I try, I can not be better than them.
So it is like I’m constantly stuck in their shadows.
Attempting to find a part of me that is unique to me.
It is not easy to find yourself when you feel as if you live
inside a box—
A box with one window that points towards those who came
before you,
So what they are is all you know, all you can know, all you can be.
But eventually you find that the walls of the box are weak,
They can be broken down.
You can be free—
Free to live as you.
Well, I like to blog, swim, sing, and make people laugh.
I like to play the piano and the cello and play water polo.
I like to be included and noticed, and to watch British
And I might as well add that I do like to eat and sleep a
lot, too.
I also like to think that the comma I placed before “too”
was necessary,
Though I am not quite sure whether or not it was.
It always perturbs me when a paper fills up an entire page
and barely reaches the next,
One or two lines on a page always just feels so blank.
So I am going to end up writing more than I originally
I have more to say, and in with it I shall add many rambling
words to add length.
Hmm… many rambling words.
It makes me think of many mumbling mice.
“BIG M. little m.
Many mumbling mice are making midnight music in the
moonlight… mighty nice.”
Oh Dr. Seuss. You are
a part of me.
You are white—and American.
And I learn from you,
Although you are older- and dead-
So you obviously can’t learn from me.
And here I am rambling, like I said I would be.
As I come to conclude this theme for English AP,
I feel somewhat like a Jedi.
But I guess some explanation of that last statement is needed…
As I have been sitting here typing this,
I have been listening to the “Epic Film Scores” playlist on
A playlist that makes my life feel so much more, well,
And here, my theme for English AP comes to an abrupt end.
I tried to find a good balance of serious and funny.
I am so glad my teacher has a sense of humor.