Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mad at the World (or just the ACT)

This is my ACT score.
On it's own it looks pretty decent, even impressive, right?

But compare it to last time.

It's hard to see in that picture... but my separate scores were
English 34
Math 32
Reading 30
Science 29
It's super great that I went up so much in everything!  ...Except reading.


If I had done better in reading I may have gotten a 34!  Or even a 35!  BUT NO!!!
I had to go down 5 stinkin points.

I guess I'm going to take it again... : /

Friday, September 21, 2012

Today Will Be Better

So, I didn't specifically wait until midnight to watch this... but I did!  And so it was a great start to my Friday. :)  I'm really hoping today is better than yesterday.  By bushels and bushels.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Quite Possibly the Worst Day Ever

  • This morning I woke up late but still needed to finish my English homework.  (I did get it finished, though.)
  • My mom made pancakes, but by the time I got downstairs there was no more syrup or powdered sugar.
  • When I went to print out my paper the printer wouldn't work, so I had to open my paper on a different computer connected to a different printer.
  • Because I left late, I was late to school.
  • When I got to school I realized that I had forgotten my calculator and English binder at home.
  • Because of my lack of calculator, I couldn't do most of my Calculus and Physics work in class... and today was a day when she actually gave us time in class to do our work... as in like the entire class period-worth.  So I was pretty much pointless.
  • When I was in line for lunch, the food in my line ran out right as I was up to get food.  Like no joke. I was the next person in line.  And I didn't have enough time to get into a different line... so I just bought a milk and ate Maddie's carrots.  (Thank you Maddie.)
  • I was informed that when you pass out while giving blood they take the needle out right away.  And if you weren't done then they can't use your blood.  So they throw it away.  So I wasted my time, blood, and energy giving blood.  I didn't even save three lives like I originally thought I had. :(  I feel so useless.
  • I was in such a bad mood that I couldn't concentrate in Chamber Singers, and Mr. Casperson kept making comments towards the alto section about not paying attention.  I knew he was referring to me.
  • After school I checked the MVSPA page on Facebook to see if they had posted parts.  I knew Ursula was between me and one other girl.  She got it.  I'm the understudy.  I don't mean to sound like a diva, but I'm now not going to do the play.  I know being the understudy is a better part than I could have gotten, but if I had actually gotten the part I would have made time for it... but understudy isn't worth my already over-crammed time.  Oh, not to mention, everyone said I would get the part because I'm a senior, but I lost it to a freshman (or maybe she's a sophomore... frankly, I don't really care).
  • I'm in charge at home, and my little neighbor boy wanted to play with my little sister, and I said yes, but then his mom had to leave, but she said she'd be back before I had to leave to go to swim team, so I said he could stay.  And then my dad came home and had to take my older little siblings to piano, and since I would have to leave before he was back he had to take my younger little siblings too.  And then he realized there was an extra child at our house, and this child's mother wasn't home.  So he took him in the car to piano too... after yelling at me for having him stay over when his mom wasn't home.
  • And I've felt like crying all day long.
  • So now I am crying as I type this.
Well... see?  It just wasn't really the best day. :(  Maybe swim team and water polo will make the day better...?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ahhh! Blood!

So... guess who gave blood for the first time today!
It was so scary, and yet incredible exciting.  And it was so gratifying!  To know that by just taking forty-five minutes out of my day I could save three people's lives. :)

The worst part was definitely the finger prick at the beginning.  Ouch.  That hurt.  And now my finger is bruised, so just sitting here typing hurts. :/  Ouchies.

And you know, when I passed out it wasn't even that bad.

Yes, I passed out.

But that's all right!  I pass out quite a bit, actually.  I talked to my dad about it, and it turns out that I just have a really sensitive vasovagal response.  (Which, in English, pretty much just means that the littlest things like cramps, nausea, or even thinking about certain things can cause my heart to slow down, and not enough blolod gets to my brain.)  I looked it up on Wikipedia, and it says that vasovagal syncope (fainting) is actually quite common.  It says that 40%-50% of the population will pass out at least once in their life.  Now... to me that doesn't sound very common.  Less than half of the population will ever pass out in their life time?  And a great part of those will only do so once?  I must be pretty unique.  Because I've passed out at least 20 times.  The first time I was like 7, and I fell at Skateland.  And the most recent time (other than today giving blood) was a couple months ago just randomly.

But anywho.  I felt perfectly fine after I gave blood. :)  And I got free Jamba Juice.  :)  It was great.  But they said I shouldn't give blood again since I passed out. :(  Which is unfair.  I think I'm going to again anyway, and I'll just try harder to not pass out. :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Adventures in H2O

Swim Team...
I hate it.
But I love it.
I would much rather stay home and sleep, but while I'm in the water swimming it just feels so good!
Oh how I love butterfly.


Water Polo...
I am so excited for this year.
Tonight we scrimmaged, and it was perfect.  It was so flippin fun!
Everyone (even the majority of the team who are new) did great!
We actually ran plays and understood what was going on.
Why is water polo the best sport in the history of he world?!
I love it.
So much.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never Forget

We watched a video in government.
I cried.
It went farther into depth than anything I've ever watched.
It's definitely the saddest thing that has happened in my lifetime.

Never forget.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Theme for English AP

For AP English we were assigned to write a poem.
A poem about ourselves based on the style and form of this poem.
And this is my result.


As I sit here and type my paper,
            I realize that I probably should have done it sooner
            Because it is Sunday night, and this is due second period tomorrow.
            But I tend to procrastinate doing things.
            This year that will change;
I will procrastinate no more—
Starting next time.

Anyway, is it really procrastinating if I planned to wait until now to do it?

I am seventeen, born in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
I am the third oldest of nine children, and each child is extraordinarily unique…
Except for me, it seems.  Most of the time I feel like nothing but a shadow,
A shadow of my two older siblings combined.
Everything I achieve, one of them has already done.
And no matter how hard I try, I can not be better than them.
So it is like I’m constantly stuck in their shadows.
Attempting to find a part of me that is unique to me.

It is not easy to find yourself when you feel as if you live inside a box—
A box with one window that points towards those who came before you,
So what they are is all you know, all you can know, all you can be.
But eventually you find that the walls of the box are weak,
They can be broken down.
You can be free—
Free to live as you.

Well, I like to blog, swim, sing, and make people laugh.
I like to play the piano and the cello and play water polo.
I like to be included and noticed, and to watch British television.
And I might as well add that I do like to eat and sleep a lot, too.
I also like to think that the comma I placed before “too” was necessary,
Though I am not quite sure whether or not it was.

It always perturbs me when a paper fills up an entire page and barely reaches the next,
One or two lines on a page always just feels so blank.
So I am going to end up writing more than I originally planned.
I have more to say, and in with it I shall add many rambling words to add length.
Hmm… many rambling words.
It makes me think of many mumbling mice.
“BIG M.  little m.
Many mumbling mice are making midnight music in the moonlight… mighty nice.”
Oh Dr. Seuss.  You are a part of me.
You are white—and American.
And I learn from you,
Although you are older- and dead-
So you obviously can’t learn from me.

And here I am rambling, like I said I would be.
As I come to conclude this theme for English AP,
I feel somewhat like a Jedi.
But I guess some explanation of that last statement is needed…
As I have been sitting here typing this,
I have been listening to the “Epic Film Scores” playlist on Songza—
A playlist that makes my life feel so much more, well, Jedi-ish.
And here, my theme for English AP comes to an abrupt end.


I tried to find a good balance of serious and funny.
I am so glad my teacher has a sense of humor.

Random Cute Tumblr Findings of the Day

Saturday, September 8, 2012


That moment when your best friend is in Hollywood, being filmed for national television, meeting celebrities, and becoming a celebrity themself, and you're just sitting in Idaho happy that they are living their dream but wondering when you'll see them again and for how long.

That moment when you don't know whether to be incredibly happy or incredibly sad.


By the way... if you are aware who or what I am referring to, I am trusting you will keep it confidential.  Because law suits and disqualifications could be an issue if names get out before the show is released on television.

Keep it secret, keep it safe.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Frizz

My hair has never really been frizzy... like at all.
Even when I rat it.
It's always just been really fine and soft.
But... when I took it out of this bun today...

I was left with maximum frizz.
It was totes cray.

So I obviously had to take pictures to document my first frizzy hair moment.

The Best Change

And the first week of school comes to an end.
I am so glad I transferred.
I absolutely love it at Twin Falls High School.

I thought the environment might seem more gloomy because the hallways aren't as lighted, but it is actually better.  It makes it seem as if Canyon Ridge is just full of false appearances.  They light the hallways to make it seem like a happy place, when it really isn't.

I can't even imagine what it would be like if I was at Canyon Ridge.
I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to transfer.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

In Tears on the Bathroom Floor

So... every month it happens.  You know what I'm talking about.  And I'm one of those people that gets cramps.  Bad ones.  But, you know, I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, so I can usually deal with them. BUT today they just got worse and worse and worse.  And of course, they didn't start until right after I got to school, so I didn't have any ibuprofen with me.  But they really started getting bad in Physics.  I dealt with it.  But soon my uterus was in utter agony.  I went to the office to get some ibuprofen, but they legally couldn't give me any.  Poop.  I then burst into tears, I was in so much pain.  So, being at a new school and not knowing a whole lot of people, I ran to the bathroom.  I proceeded to sit on the floor, curl into the fetal position, and cry.  I got the strangest looks.  Not two minutes after I had been in the bathroom, however, my friends Allison and Sunny walked in.  They are so sweet!  They were so concerned for me, Sunny got me some ibuprofen, and they were late to advisory because they were trying to make sure I was all right.  I love having great friends.  While I waited for the medicine to kick in, I remained on the floor crying.  From then on, almost every single person who walked into the bathroom asked me if I was okay and offered me medicine.  If I had had cramps that bad at Canyon Ridge, most people would have just ignored me.  I love Twin so much.

Soundtrack to My Life

...Or at least a playlist that makes my life feel so much cooler as I listen to it.  It's like I live in a movie.  I highly suggest you listen to this music while doing your homework.  It makes it more bearable, I promise.

Plus, Songza in general is a super cool website to find playlists that fit with what you're doing at a certain time.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day

Of course I actually tried to look cute on the first day of school.
I actually did my hair!

I like this picture,
but it had super weird lighting.

Monday, September 3, 2012

And It Begins...

Goodbye summer...
And hello to a new school year.
A new school.
New friends.
New memories.
And an extremely busy schedule.

I'm so anxious.
Switching schools is so nerve-wracking, but I'm excited too.
I can't wait to see what this school year brings.

Along with new everything else... I'm trying to make a new me.
(Don't worry, I'm not going to change completely.)
I want to be:
-More spiritual
-More friendly, less annoying
-More fit
-More stylish
-Less procrastinative

Here's to the new.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bright, fun, and sophisticated.

Bright, fun, and sophisticated.

Bright, fun, and sophisticated. by zippy1995 featuring teal jeans

Sorry for the Polyvore spam...
Polyvore is just super fun.
And whenever I put together a new set, it automatically posts it here on my blog.
And I'm totally digging the torquoise and yellow combo.
(Did I really just say that?  "Totally digging?"  I never say that.)

Close enough.

Lace, pink, and salmon

Lace, pink, and salmon by zippy1995 featuring a coral ring

I tried to recreate the outfit I wore to church today on Polyvore.
This is as close as I could get.
My original outfit didn't even have any salmon in it, though.
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