I used to be so social. But now I've find myself as more of an introvert. Unless the other person puts themselves out there first. I guess I'm afraid of coming off as weird or annoying. It's just self-consciousness, I guess. At times it gets lonely, and I feel like a loser. But other times it's really calming and relaxing.
I'm not the kind of person with a best friend. I more so just have many good-ish friends. But this presents a problem, because then I can never really hang out with anyone, because I don't particularly know anyone well enough to just be like "Hey, let's hang out!" And this, I don't like. There are actually quite a few friends of mine who are potential hang-out-with-me-ers, but I am afraid that if I invite them to hang out they will decline because they think I'm obnoxious.
I wish I was one of those girls who had a best friend. You know... the best friends who are inseparable. Who are with each other every second of every day.
Tonight my younger sister is camping with a girl who used to be one of my better friends. I hate it when my little sister steals my friends. She tends to do it a lot. And I hate it. So much. But anywho, my mom suggested that I hang out with some of my friends, too. So I texted three of my better friends. Two of them never even replied, and the other already had plans. I came to realize that, recently, I haven't hung out with friends much at all. I mostly just sit alone in my room. (Like I am doing so now.) Last summer I went to a party like every other week... what happened?
People don't even invite me to things anymore. I always see pictures of my good friends on Facebook hanging out with other good friends of mine and I'm like "Gee, thanks for inviting me." The few times I have been hanging out with friends they always get phone calls and texts from people wanting to hang out; I never get those. Just kidding, that's a lie. I received ONE of those calls this summer. It was yesterday. My friend Tori invited me to the fair. But I couldn't go. I don't have any money. But I'm not that big a fan of the fair anyway, so whatever.
But this year I'm hoping to be more social again.
I'm going to be going to a new school.
It's kinda like a new start.
But not entirely.
Because I will still know quite a few people.
I just hope I make more friends.
Best friends.