I wish it could always be Jive Week.
I love the people in Jive.
I love the performances.
I love the thrill and the joy.
I love the adrenaline.
Jive is a family. My family.
After a week with them you think I'd get tired or annoyed, but no! It just got better and better, and we got closer and closer. And then last night was awful. It was the end. Our last show. Half of us are leaving. I cried. For an hour straight. I cried so hard I threw up. (That was a first.) But I wasn't crying for me... because I'm going to be in Jive next year. I was crying for the 13 of us that won't be returning. The ones that I love and will miss dearly.
I cried for them.
Next year I'll be crying for me.
It'll probably be even worse.
I'm dreading the end of Jive.
Jive is my life. The feeling of being up on stage is just so great. As you know from a previous post, I'm transferring to Twin Falls High School in order to stay in Jive... I told a few of my CRHS friends that last night. And they knew that it was the right decision even though they'd miss me. They watched me perform, and they knew that it was what I loved more than anything else in the world. I love my friends.
During Jr. Jive a few of the little 2nd grade girls came up to me and said "My mommy says you have a pretty voice." It was so great. :D And even though the Jr. Jivers performed at the matinee, I saw one of my little girls at last nights evening show too. And when I was bawling my eyes out she came up to me and gave me a hug and said "You did so good." It only made me cry harder. It was so sweet. And there was this one 8th grade Jr. Jiver who says I am her inspiration. It made me feel so great! I even gave her some advice. :D I felt almost famous!
And this older lady came up to me and told me that she enjoyed the show, and specifically enjoyed watching me because I looked so joyful, and she could tell I gave it my all.
And then another lady told me to never give up on music. She said I was very blessed and talented and that I should definitely stick with music and go into a career for it.
Best night ever.
I just wish I wasn't such a baby.
And we revealed secret Jive friends. Which was fun. But I knew that Emilee had me. She made it rather obvious. With Subway cookies and "beer" and such. Silly Emilee! I had Kiefer. I gave him mouse traps one day... and it was not a good idea. But yeah. Just something to remember. Don't give teenage boys mouse traps.
Then Shari's. It's Jive tradition. We were there until 1. But we almost got kicked out around 11:30 because we were trying to make everyone fit around one booth, and it ended with people sitting on walls and climbing over tables. But yeah. We had a little Jive-amony meeting at Shari's, but not everyone was there, and not everyone shared. So we're going to finish it on Tuesday in class. :)
And I gave him a ride home afterwards. :) I felt so happy to be alone in a car with him at 1 in the morning. That sounds bad... but NOTHING HAPPENED. Though I wish SOMETHING had. Like... at least a hug! But I guess I'll just have to accept the "Bye Elizabeth! Thanks for the ride, love you!" that I got. It's better than nothing! Oh well... I'm 99% sure he doesn't feel the same way about me as I feel about him anyway. And he's leaving next year. :( But I'll hopefully be able to get over it in time.
♥ JIVE ♥