Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Looking Back: January.

So...  I decided that this year, each month I will review the month to see what I have accomplished and what I can do better on.  It'll be a way to be sure I achieve my resolutions for the year.  And I'll set specific goals for the next month.


This month was a new beginning.  It started a new year, a new semester, a new Elizabeth (hopefully).

-Jive Winter Showcase
-Patience toward all those extraordinarily annoying kids in my guitar class
-Not being a loner in chemistry

Could Do Better:
-Eating healthier!
-Exercising more.
-Making new friends!

Next Month:
-Ask Brandon (a lonely home-schooled kid in my ward) on a date
-Show choir competition... WOOT!
-Lose 5 pounds.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What I Love

The Performance.

Hearing people cheering and screaming.
For me.
I love it.
So much.

Doesn't this look like a picture of a girl who is doing something she loves?
(Ignore my dad in the background.  He is strange.)

And I love my friends who come and support me even though it costs $5. ♥

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Winter Showcase

Waka Waka:  Almost everyone's favorite number.

Blue Skies:  Jazzy and wonderful.

Brighter Than the Sun:  My solo.
EEEPP!!!!  The Jive solo I have been imagining me having for so many years!

Hey There Delilah/1, 2, 3, 4:  The boy's number.
My favorite number.  It makes my heart melt. ♥

Sister Act:  The girl's number.
Only dislike: Itchy nun costumes.

Taylor's Reply/Rebuttal:  Adam sang this song in reply to Emilee's earlier "Taylor the Latte Boy" song.
Look both of the songs up.  They are HILARIOUS.

Rock of Ages:  Best part?  The 80's hair. :D

Best pose picture EVER!

Jar of Hearts:  Averey and Challis.
The best solo of the night by far.

Am I jealous of her?  Yes.  Extremely so.  Don't rub it in.

Grease:  A 10 minute long song full of torture.  But it IS fun.

The bow and "encore."

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