Wow, this week has been intense. Good and bad. Up and down. I've been physically and emotionally exhausted, completely hyper and insane, calm and peaceful. Am I bipolar? ...I don't think so... just a teenage girl with a lot going on. I think I'm gonna mix things up a bit. Instead of writing paragraph after paragraph of what's going on in my life I think I'll just do an "ABC's of the Week" sorta thing. So here it goes!
-A is for Allergies. Ughh. I have never in my life had allergies until the beginning of this summer. Now I constantly get itchy eyes and I sneeze all the time! I hate it! And at our swim team spaghetti feed Friday night my allergies were horrible. My eyes were bright red and really puffy. People said I looked like I was going to die. I believed it because I felt like I was going to die. My eyes are still kinda puffy, but they are mostly better.
-B is for Bobby pins. Okay, so, funny story: I had this substitute teacher in English. One girl walked into the class and said "Does anyone have a bobby pin?" The sub said "Bobby pin? Honey, they don't sell those anymore!" Apparently bobby pins were very popular like 60 years ago, and they used them to curl hair. The substitute demonstrated how they did it on my hair. It was slightly strange. Okay, maybe a little more than slightly.
-C is for Calculators and the many mysterious apps which they hold. Call me a nerd. I don't care. I am one. But this past week I was totally messing around on my calculator and discovering new apps and such. Some of them are quite entertaining. :D
-D is for Dogs barking and freaking me put at 5 in the morning. On Tuesday and Thursday morning I went swimming at 5:30 AM. On Tuesday I walked outside and there was this dog. Sitting there. I walked over to my car and then the dog started barking and snarling at me. Freaky. And then on Thursday my friend Sarah (who went swimming with me) called me saying that her dogs were barking outside, and they wouldn't stop. Just the night before we had been discussing how there is someone terrorizing her neighborhood, so she was freaked out. And her being freaked out freaked me out as well.
-E is for Eating a bagel in my car as I rush to 6th period. On Friday I wasn't going to be home between school and swimming because I had a piano lesson right after school, so I texted my mom and asked her to bring me my goggles, which I had forgotten at home. She said she had just barely left the house, so she asked if I could just come home at lunch and get them; she said she could have lunch ready for me. I replied "Okay, sounds great." When I arrive at home, however, my mom isn't there. Needing to leave for school in less than 15 minutes I text her wondering where she is. I then receive a text from her saying "So what's the plan? Are you coming or not?" I was confused, so I called her. Apparently she didn't realize that her inbox was full, so she didn't get my last couple messages, so she was on her way home from running errands, and I had no lunch. My mom said she'd be home in 2 minutes and then could make me a quick lunch. I frustratingly responded that I needed to leave in less than 2 minutes, but I waited. When she got home she made me a bagel sandwich, and I hurriedly ate in in my car on the way to school. I was late for 6th period. Almost 10 minutes late. Swell. But whatever.
-F is for Failing tests. This was totally the worst possible test-taking week for me ever in my life. 95% of tests I have taken in my life I have received A's on. But not this past week. Last Friday I had a Calculus test that I was sure I failed, when I received my test back, however, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I received a 65%! Wahoo! I didn't fail! I only almost failed. :D I also received a 77% (which then got bumped up to an 80%) on a history test. And then, on a chemistry test that I found extraordinarily easy while taking, I got an 81%. A low B. Really? I have a feeling that it will be very difficult for me to keep as high a GPA as I would like to this school year.
-G is for General Conference. :D :D :D This happens to be what I am watching this very second! I absolutely
love listening to the talks of the leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. If you would like to read more of my input on these talks it will soon be on my other blog,
-H is for Homework and lack of completing it. You think I would have learned my lesson last year when I received my first B in a class due to lack of homework-doing, but apparently not. I'm already getting back into the habit of not doing homework. It's because of business, tiredness, and procrastination(ness?). I should probably start doing homework more regularly since my test grades obviously won't be enough to keep my grades up (as they have been in past years).
-I is for Intense swimming workouts and dance routines. You know, with all the exercise (and sweating) I have been doing lately, I had better sure as heck start losing weight! I already have noticed strengthen of muscles, but that's not what I want! I want to lose this big bubble of fat-stuffs stuck on my stomach. >:P It is so unflattering.
-J is for JIVE! Oh wow, I am so glad that I am in Jive. It is the most fun I have had in quite some time. Sure, it's a lot of work. Sure, it takes up a whole lot of time. Sure, it feels as if I have sold my soul in order to be in it. But who cares?! I. LOVE. IT. :D
-K is for Kendall. Haha, that boy is one funny boy. He always tells me everything. And then I tell someone something he told me, and he says, "See?! This is why I don't tell you anything!" Then I say, "But you do tell me everything!" And then he gets all quiet and says, "...I know, but I won't anymore!" And then the next day, guess what? He's telling me something again. :D Man, do I love that kid. He's one of my bestest friends.
-L is for Love (or at least the teenage equivalent of it). I find high school relationships very entertaining. People are like "I love you" one week, and then the next they are like "I hate you." If you honestly loved them, you wouldn't hate them the next week. Yeah, people get crushes (even I'm not exempt from that), but having "relationships" is not necessary until you are at least graduated, I think. Being in high school is the time to meet people to find qualities you would like in someone that you will date someday. It's a time to flirt, have fun. If you are in a relationship it is like building a wall so you are no longer to flirt and have fun! And if you continue to flirt, it will only make you feel guilty (unless of course you are heartless, as some people are).
-M is for Meth/Mell. Dear people (by the way, I know who at least one of you is) who wrote "Meth" on my car. Really? That's immature. And I knew it said Meth. The only reason I asked you if you wrote "Mell" on my car is because it somewhat looked like that is what it said, I had a somewhat legitimate reason for it to say that, and I knew you would laugh and look at me like I was stupid if you really had been the one who wrote Mell on my car. So yeah. If I just asked if you had written Meth you may have lied and I would still not know. But now I do know. The End.
-N is for Noodles (aka Spaghetti). I like spaghetti. And swim team. And swim team spaghetti feeds. Even when my eyes are puffy. At spaghetti feeds our team bonds and grows together. Their my favorite part about swim team! That and oatmeal carmelitas. ;)
-O is for One Direction. So I was YouTube music searching last night and I saw this song "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction. Love, love, love that song. Love, love, love that band. (The fact that all the members of the band are extremely attractive teenage boys only helps. And they have British accents. Yum.) I love the song, but I don't agree with it. It says "You don't know yo're beautiful, but that's what makes you beautiful." I think that girls who know who they are and know that they are beautiful are more beautiful because they have a glow in their eyes. But other than that little flaw, the song is incredible.
-P is for Piano improvisations. I have always wished I could improv... and now in my piano lessons that is what I'm learning! I'm still not all that great at it, but I'm getting better! Before long I'll be able to improv song that I may not have even been able to sightread! (And sightreading is my forte!) I'm so excited. :D
-Q is for Quartets (barbershop). On Tuesday for choir we went up to Boise to a barbershop quartet concert for a high school barbershop workshop. It was so fun. It was fun mingling with choir members that are now my friends, and it was fun on the bus ride, and it was fun at the concert. I pretty much fell in love with every single boy that sang. Wow. They were incredible.
-R is for Rachel. WHY MUST EVERYONE CALL ME RACHEL?!?! Haha, Teagan Savage has been calling me Rachel because she knew my sister (Rachel) really well and apparently I look a lot like her. And now a bunch of people are calling me Rachel as a joke because they know that isn't my name, but then some people who don't know my name assume that my name really is Rachel, and it is somewhat obnoxious. :P
-S is for Sesame Street spoofs.
This rocks.
This next one isn't as great, but I love it at 1:11 (Keep in mind that the puppet is supposed to be Justin Bieber.)
-T is for Thinking I saw a mouse in the freezer. Eww. I opened the freezer and heard little mouse-sounding clicky noises. I thought nothing of it. But then I saw something move in the back. I screamed. No mouse has been found. Everyone is making fun of me. Not cool.
-U is for 'U is.' This is a quote from my Calculus professor. Haha. "You is!" Sounds smart, doesn't it? U was a variable and so he would always say "U is this" and "U is that." Maybe I'm just easily entertained, but I found it very entertaining.
-V is for Varying emotions. As you can probably see from how some of these topics have been happy and some have been not so happy, I have been an emotional roller-coaster. It's like the song "Elevator" by David Archuleta.
-W is for Wishes. I like wishes. This doesn't have anything to do with what happened in the last week... I just felt like wishes was a good W word to use. :)
-X is for absolutely nothing.
-Y is for Yoyaknowyouyoyeahyoyouyonikonoyo. This is somewhat hard to explain. So I won't. Haha, have fun wondering what the heck this is about!
-Z is for Zippy! Me. Elizabeth. Yeah. :D
For those of you who actually read this entire post. Thank you for your support! Now maybe you should go do something worthwhile. :P The end. :)