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Oh Sundays. How peaceful they seem, but not so. I'm relaxing... but in my mind I am freaking out because there is so much I must get done before I go back to school tomorrow. Math assignments, English essays, books to read, etc. And yet here I am. Blogging. Don't you love how I prioritize?
I can't even begin to express how much I love having a laptop at my availability. It is so great to be able to just sit in my room and do whatever I please. Be it Facebook, Skype, Blogger, or even IDLA. It's just great. (It's not IDLA that's great; the fact that I can do anything at my leisure us great.)
Speaking of IDLA and homework and crap... that is exactly what I SHOULD be doing right now. :P Especially since my math teacher decided that she isn't going to accept any late work ever again. :/ And I have to write a creative writing essay. And I have to read a book. Ughh... homework.
So yeah. This past weekend my incredible brother Matthew came home because we were supposed to receive his mission call (along with his friend Rees's). But neither of their calls came... so Matt and all of his friends came up for nothing. But it was fun to hang out with them for a day or so. Friday night we all watched Robin Hood, which was fun. :)
Saturday pretty much all I did was fold laundry and work on my dress for Sweetheart's. :) I'm going to Sweetheart's with my friend Perrin Romney on Saturday! And Saturday is my birthday! :D :D :D I get to go to my first date on my 16th birthday. It's special. :)
I feel like I'm falling apart! My wrist has hurt like heck for the past week. I'm going to get it checked on Tuesday. I'm scared. :/ People keep saying they think something is really wrong with it. I might have to have physical therapy or surgery or something. :( If I'm crippled then I can't play the piano, or the cello, or percussion, or tennis! :( :( Awful!!! My stomach has been hurting a lot lately too. :/ And my knee starting hurting for a few days. I'm pretty much falling apart. My body= dead.
Lately I've also felt really depressed-ish... and I don't even know why! I've been really tired, even though I've been getting plenty of sleep. It seems like this whole past week just pretty much sucked. :/ I'm rally hoping this next week will be better. Chances are it will be, but you never know! Ta ta for now!